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What to do & What not to do when being pursued by a swarm of bees

In 2014, a swarm of bees attacked and killed a landscaper in Arizona, USA. Experts believed the man was pursued by a hybrid of African and Western honey bees known as "killer bees." This type of bee is especially dangerous because they are more sensitive to humans and more defensive than other species. But the scariest thing about killer bees may be that they can form swarms of about 2,000 and follow a victim for a quarter mile or longer.

So what do you do if you find yourself being pursued by a pack of angry bees? The good news is that most people can tolerate about 10 bee stings per pound of body weight. But if the swarm is large and angry enough, here's what to do: run. Seriously. A healthy adult should be able to outrun a swarm of bees. It's also recommended that you pull your shirt over your head to protect your face, and do not swat bees or flail your arms. And, contrary to what you may have thought, don't jump in a body of water. Bees have been known to hover above the surface and wait until people come up for air. Just run, run into any enclosed room.


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